White or Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera) | Also
known as canoe birch, red birch, silver birch, white birch, Canadian white birch
and Kenai birch. Grows in Canada and northern United States. Type Hardwood.
Appearance Straight grained with a fine, even texture. Pale-brown heartwood and
creamy white sapwood.
Physical Props Moderately hard and heavy (lighter than other birches) with
moderate shock resistance, stiffness and bending strength. Poor decay resistance
and dimensional stability.
Working Props Machines fairly well although it sometimes chips and tears during
planing. Has moderate blunting effect on cutting edges. Excellent turning
properties. Glues, stains and finishes satisfactorily. Susceptible to splitting
- pre-drilling recommended for screws.
Uses Once used by American Indians to make canoes, now mainly used for plywood.
Other uses include turnery - spools, bobbins, dowels and novelties, crates,
toys, cooperage, baskets, ice cream spoons, medical spatulas, veneer, paneling,
and pulp for writing paper.
Comments Resembles maple and is often used interchangeably with it.